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Create a Mosquito Barrier Around Your Property

Our Mosquito Control is specially designed to create a barrier around your property, allowing you to safely enjoy your time outside with friends and family, without the annoyance of mosquitoes.

Our highly trained and licensed technicians will treat the following areas of your property where mosquitoes hide out, including:

  • Shrubbery and ground cover areas

  • Hedges and landscape plant materials

  • Under decks and stairways

  • In your lawn


Your choice of natural or synthetic control products are applied to the lawn and surrounding landscape, creating a barrier to repel, control and eliminate mosquitoes. It's a proven way to enjoy the comforts of your property, without having to deal with uninvited guests. Control applications are typically started in the Spring through to Summer months, depending on weather and mosquito activity. 

All-natural barrier spray treatment

If you prefer to avoid all synthetics, we offer an all-natural solution as an ideal alternative. Our other solutions may have some repellent effect, but they work mainly by killing adult mosquitoes. The opposite is true of our all-natural spray – the insects are literally repelled or confused by the smell of this solution. Fortunately, with our less sensitive noses, we humans detect only a mild garlic smell that dissipates within hours of application. Since this is an all-natural solution it breaks down more rapidly in the environment. We recommend it be reapplied at least every 14 days.

Synthetic Barrier Spray Treatment

Barrier sprays are an effective way to control mosquito’s populations. Using a backpack sprayer, our trained and certified technicians target shrubs and plants with a barrier spray that kills mosquitoes on contact.











Single Barrier Spray Application

We recommend a Barrier treatment every 3-4 weeks depending on the property.

First 1/4 Acre ………………………………………………………………………………………$120

Each Additional 1/4 Acre……………………………………………………………………….$30


All Season Protection

Order 3 to 5 applications to protect your property from mosquitoes all season long.

First 1/4 Acre…………………………………………………………………………………………$90

Each Additional 1/4 Acre……………………………………………………………………….$30


Special Event Barrier Treatment

Weddings/BBQ’s/Parties… can prevent these party crashers without spoiling the fun. can come to your event location in advance to apply a barrier spray and ensure that your guests don’t suffer mosquito bites. Special event sprays provide protection throughout the day, greatly reducing any mosquito’s in the area.

Special Event Barrier Spray Application

First 1/4 Acre…………………………………………………………………………………………$120

Each Additional 1/4 Acre…………………………………………………………………………$30

Icon of a mosquito
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